The Great Dictation on the Champs-Élysées


ubi/. and the Champs-Élysées committee transformed, for one day, the Avenue des Champs Élysées into a huge 6,600 m2 classroom for BIC, France’s most famous brand of pens and pencils.

More than 5,000 participants took part in a world record: the largest dictation ever!

To offer an extraordinary experience to these schoolchildren of all ages, 1,779 desks, as many chairs and a screen board of more than 100 m2 were installed in the heart of the avenue, facing the Arc de Triomphe. A rich program was proposed, with the presence of French celebrities Augustin Trapenard, Katherine Pancol and Pierre Rabadan, who read a dictation on different themes.

With more than 50,000 registrations, this operation was a resounding success and received unparalleled media coverage. It brought together young and old with the aim of fighting against prejudices, freeing up complexes and reconciling the French with spelling and writing.

Guinness World Records officially certified this historic day a world record, with the participation of 1,397 people.

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